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  • Home equity loans

    Thu. Jun 15, 2023

    Should You Consider a Home Equity Loan or HELOC For Debt Consolidation?

    3 min read

    Are you looking for a way to consolidate high-interest debt? One avenue worth exploring is to use the equity in your home!
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  • Florida Credit Union new website

    Mon. Jun 12, 2023

    Florida Credit Union’s New Website is Here!

    1 min read

    Get ready for some site seeing! Florida Credit Union’s brand new website is here, and we’re so excited for you to check it out. We hope it will improve not only our current members’ experiences, but will allow future members coming to our website to see what the credit union difference is all about. Below are some highlights of the biggest changes/our philosophy when putting this redesign together.
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  • piggy bank representing a checking account
    Financial Advice

    Wed. May 24, 2023

    What Is a Checking Account?

    21 min read

    Checking accounts are typically opened with either a bank or credit union. These accounts give you quick and easy access to your money and keep it secure. Whether you need to make a cash deposit, withdraw money from an ATM or pay bills online, a checking account makes it all possible. 
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  • Fraud Prevention
    Fraud Protection

    Tue. Mar 14, 2023

    Fraud Prevention: How to Recognize Scams & Avoid Becoming a Victim of Fraud

    3 min read

    The cornerstone of financial institutions is gaining and maintaining the trust of their members, but what happens when scammers exploit this trust? As technology advances and mobile banking becomes the norm, scammers are creating more sophisticated schemes to steal the hard-earned money of unsuspecting consumers. However, there are ways to protect your financial future and steer clear of suspicious characters looking to take advantage. Keep reading to learn more about the more common scams, tips for identifying and avoiding them, and what to do if you suspect fraud.
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  • How to pay off debt

    Thu. Mar 02, 2023

    How to Pay Off Debt: 5 Tips to Help You Become Debt Free in 2023

    4 min read

    If you’re tired of being told to skip your weekly latte in order to pay off your debt, we understand. You need actionable steps that produce real results when it comes to conquering your debt in 2023. Luckily, you’ve got financial experts in your corner to help make this dream a reality. We’ve seen it all, and we’re here to give you our top tips and tricks to becoming debt free in a way that is both achievable and realistic. Keep reading for five ways to beat debt and better your financial health in the new year.
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  • How to build your credit
    Credit Score

    Tue. Feb 28, 2023

    How to Build Your Credit: Everything You Need to Know for Building Credit with a Credit Card

    3 min read

    Like everything else in life, the journey to better credit happens one step at a time. If you want to raise your credit score, not only do you need to learn new behaviors, but you also have to unlearn harmful financial habits. For members starting their journey with a poor credit score, we know rebuilding can seem like an uphill battle, but below you’ll find helpful tips and tricks for improving your score with a credit card — and all you have to do is take the first step.
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  • Two-Factor Authentication and FCU Anywhere
    Fraud Protection

    Tue. Jan 31, 2023

    Two-Factor Authentication and FCU Anywhere

    2 min read

    Security is one of the most important things to us at Florida Credit Union. Amidst a period of common fraudulent activity, ensuring our members are safe is our utmost priority. That’s why we’re always working to introduce new security options to help members, and our latest addition is allowing authenticators as a choice for two-factor authentication!
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  • woman at computer
    Financial Advice

    Wed. Dec 14, 2022

    Your Year in Review – 12 Months to Financial Fitness

    2 min read

    What a year! It’s officially our final installment in our 12 Months to Financial Fitness series. It’s hard to believe that we began this journey with you all a year ago, so we thought we’d take a moment to look back on 2022, as well as leave you with a few more tips as we head into 2023.
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  • Tax preparation before year end
    Financial Advice
    Home Financing

    Mon. Dec 05, 2022

    7 Year-End Tax Tips for 2022

    3 min read

    2022 is almost over! If you’ve been following along with our 12 Months to Financial Fitness series this year, you know we talked about creating budgets in February. If you haven’t already since you first created your budget, it may be time to make some adjustments.
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