
Welcome toFCU FAM

FCU FAM phone screens

Teach Kids to Get a Financial Head Start.

Smart money habits start at home, and with FCU FAM®, we’re making learning about personal finances simple, fun, and rewarding. As part of FCU Anywhere online and mobile banking, FCU FAM® lets parents quickly and conveniently transfer money into youth accounts, whether it’s for a weekly allowance or a reward for straight As. Plus, ‘parent loans’ make it possible for kids to manage bigger purchases while teaching them to pay back money borrowed on time and with interest. It’s all inside FCU FAM®!

    • Transfer money to youth accounts
    • Manage allowances
    • Reward for chores and good grades
    • Loan children money with interest and payment plans
    • Set parental controls on debit cards
Easily transfer money to your kids’ accounts

Put money directly into your kids’ accounts with a few taps. Plus, they can request money from parents within FCU FAM®. Once approved, the money will be instantly available.

Set rewards for chores and good grades

Pay kids for their efforts with an instant transfer to their account once chores are completed or when they earn impressive report cards.

Loan money and set up payment terms

Let kids borrow a specific sum and pay it back over time with interest, then choose if you’d like to reimburse their interest payments as a reward for good money management.

Set parental controls on kids’ debit cards

To keep kids going in the right direction, you can set parental controls on their youth account debit cards and keep their daily spending under a specific amount.

Teach valuable money management skills

Encourage your kids to learn about budgeting and saving, so they will have the tools they need to make smart money moves as they grow up.

Where Can I Find More Learning Resources for My Kids?

Parents want their kids to know the value of money and how to use it responsibly.  Help your kids get a handle on money basics through interactive education in our Financial Success Center. Learning now can reap benefits later!  


Florida Credit Union protects the information privacy of our younger members. We do not knowingly collect, maintain, or use personal information about children under age 13 from our website. If a person sends personal information to us through any online service and identifies himself or herself as being under the age of 13, we will only use that information to respond directly to that child or to notify the parents. We will not retain such information unless we obtain parental consent.

For more information about the FCU FAM® Agreement and associated policies please click here:

FCU FAM® Terms and Conditions


FCU FAM® Privacy Notice