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    Fri. Jan 04, 2019

    Balance Your New Year By Sticking To Your Budget

    4 min read

    It’s as simple as “don’t buy what you can’t afford”, right? Well, sort of.  The popular idea that living in debt is not only unavoidable, but also acceptable, is a very dangerous way to view your finances. If you brought some risky spending habits into 2019, your goals may not go as planned. 
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  • close up of laptop computer

    Tue. Jan 30, 2018

    How Safe Are Budgeting Apps?

    2 min read

    For a lot of people, establishing a budget and sticking to it can be a daunting task. To make things a little easier, and to relieve the stress and hassle of tracking every single transaction, sites and apps like Mint, YNAB (You Need A Budget), and Personal Capital have become a common site in the personal finance realm. But for all of these sites, you have to provide detailed personal information, like bank account login details, that can leave you vulnerable to hacking and identity theft. So how safe are these sites, and do you put yourself at risk in using them?
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