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  • Person using a financial app for budgeting
    Financial Advice

    Mon. Nov 01, 2021

    4 Ways to Manage Your Financial Planning With Budgeting Apps

    3 min read

    If you’re looking to start your budgeting journey, a pen and paper just won’t cut it nowadays. Life can get hectic, and an on-the-go lifestyle calls for a method that can keep up with your busy schedule. That’s why budgeting apps have revolutionized the way we view our finances.
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  • financial papers and calculator covering desk

    Fri. Apr 16, 2021

    Budgeting Strategies and Tips for the Rest of 2021

    5 min read

    The National Endowment for Financial Education discovered that almost 90% of Americans have struggled with financial stress because of COVID-19. While 2021 is already well underway, we must continue to work around the conditions of the pandemic and that means preparing a budget is more important than ever.
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  • phone and pen being used to manage finances
    Financial Advice

    Tue. Jan 26, 2021

    5 Ways to Manage Your Finances: Cutting Expenses and Saving Money

    6 min read

    According to the American Psychological Association, 72% of Americans have reported feeling stressed about money. The stress of money can even beat other major concerns such as health, family and work. So, if the thought of managing your finances stresses you out, know that you are not alone.
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  • Couple looking at a tablet
    Financial Advice

    Fri. Oct 16, 2020

    Building an Emergency Fund: How to Set a Budget When You're in Debt

    7 min read

    Did you know that the average American has roughly $38,000 in personal debt, and that doesn't even include their mortgage? Being in debt can feel suffocating and crippling, like a hole you can't escape. However, it doesn't have to be that way. With careful budgeting and planning, you can both pay off your debt and build an emergency fund. Let's take a look at how.
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  • College Savings money jar

    Fri. Sep 25, 2020

    Financial Tips For College Students: Budgeting & Paying For College

    8 min read

    Are you heading off to college for the first time? College can be a fun and exciting experience. Unfortunately, it can also be very expensive. In fact, the average public college student walks away with $26,900 of debt, and the average private college student walks away with $32,600 of debt. 

    Luckily, there are ways you can manage your finances in college so you can walk away with less debt, and have more money to put into your savings account. Check out this guide to discover the top financial tips for students for budgeting and paying for college. 

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  • Money Sandwich

    Thu. Jul 30, 2020

    Eating Your Dollars Away: Budgeting for Foodies

    4 min read

    Eating out or ordering in isn’t just about convenience. It’s about the flavor, the ability to eat something you may not have been able to cook yourself, and the social connections that can come with heading to your favorite restaurant to eat or dine in with family or friends. 

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  • A budget list notebook with a coffee cup

    Fri. Feb 21, 2020

    How to Stick to a Budget: Rules, Tips, and Apps That Work!

    8 min read

    Do you have an extra $400 on hand for an emergency? If not, you’re not the only one. 27% of adults say they would either need to borrow money or sell something to afford a $400 emergency.

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  • member inputting date into a calculator

    Tue. Sep 17, 2019

    5 Habits That Can Ruin Your Budget

    Do you find that your money doesn’t go as far as it used to? When the end of the month is near, are you stretching your last few dollars until you reach payday? While a lot of factors play into money problems, like debt and income, one thing sure to cause financial woes is a bad budget.
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  • two people deep in thought
    Personal Banking

    Fri. Jun 07, 2019

    Signs You Are Living Beyond Your Means

    4 min read

    If payday comes and your money seems to vanish instantly, it might be time to review your budget. A lavish lifestyle can be great for appearances, but impractical for anyone with a more limited income. We all want to be able to spend money for our wants while covering necessary expenses.
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