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  • Money Management
    Financial Advice

    Thu. Mar 07, 2024

    7 Ways to Improve Money Management | Florida Credit Union

    5 min read

    The essential money management guide with actionable tips for improving your overall financial health in 2024.
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  • Budgeting
    Financial Advice

    Thu. Nov 02, 2023

    5 Ways Budgeting & Planning Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals

    5 min read

    Learning how to budget & create financial plans helps you stay organized and achieve your goals. Here are 5 ways to get started today.
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  • viewing graphs on a tablet

    Tue. Nov 29, 2022

    Making Adjustments to Your Budget - 12 Months to Financial Fitness

    2022 is almost over! If you’ve been following along with our 12 Months to Financial Fitness series this year, you know we talked about creating budgets in February. If you haven’t already since you first created your budget, it may be time to make some adjustments.
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  • Image of person budgeting in notebook

    Tue. Jul 19, 2022

    Budgeting for the Holidays: 12 Months to Financial Fitness

    3 min read

    Shopping for the holidays is expensive. When you factor in all of your friends and family members, you may be looking at a big bill this holiday season. Add to that the cost of decorating and hosting parties, and you have quite the tab! That’s why we believe budgeting for the holidays should start early.
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  • map and shoes
    Financial Advice

    Mon. May 23, 2022

    Quick Tips for Saving Money on Your Next Vacation

    3 min read

    Summer is almost here! If you want to take a vacation but don’t have much room in your budget, these tips may help make your vacation a reality!
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  • older couple on the beach with dog

    Mon. Mar 14, 2022

    5 Common Retirement Mistakes to Avoid

    3 min read

    Retirement planning is tough and full of never-ending questions. Am I saving too much or too little? When should I retire? Am I claiming social security too early? The list goes on and on, and it's enough to make your head spin. Here are some mistakes to avoid to make retirement planning simpler.
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  • notebook writing budget

    Mon. Feb 21, 2022

    How to Build a Budget: 12 Months to Financial Fitness

    4 min read

    With January behind us, as well as a better understanding of our spending, it’s time to build the budget we’ll be using for the rest of the year.
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  • recoding spending to analyze it

    Mon. Jan 24, 2022

    Analyze Your Spending: 12 Months to Financial Fitness

    3 min read

    Make 2022 the year you achieve financial fitness! To help our members on their journey, we’re going to share twelve blogs throughout the year featuring financial fitness topics. This month, we’re looking at analyzing your spending.
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  • Holiday gifts
    Financial Advice

    Mon. Dec 06, 2021

    Holiday Spending Strategies: 5 Ways to Save

    3 min read

    The holidays aren't just around the corner; they're here! Once we entered November, it was off to the races to figure out perfect gifts for our loved ones, plan family gatherings and make travel arrangements. When we start compiling the list of the people we want to visit and celebrate this holiday season, it can get quite long. Have no fear, though — Florida Credit Union is ready and prepared to help with tips and tricks to make sure you're not paying off your spending this holiday season until December 2022.
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